Student Programs

Aboriginal Education

School District No. 49 (Central Coast) lies within the shared traditional territories of the Nuxalk, Heiltstuk, and Wuikinuxv Nations.

The language and cultural programs within the schools offer a wide array of opportunities to enhance the learning opportunities for all First Nations learners. The school district’s Local Education Agreements with the Nuxalk Nation and the Heiltsuk Nation, the Equity in Action project and the Framework for Enhancing Student Learning provide the goals, strategies and structures used as a framework for the success of our students.



Local Education Agreements


Totem Welcome

Nusatsum and SAMS students and staff created welcome signage for display towards the highway as the Snuxyaltwa Nuxalk Totem returned to Nuxalk Territory on February 16th, 2023. 


A Push for Equity

Chief and Council for the Nuxalk Nation and School District 49 Staff and trustees gathered for a meal and collaborative discussions with Ministry of Education and Childcare’s Superintendent(s) of Indigenous Education on January 31, 2023.